A cleaning lady reigns in pottenstein during the fifth season of the year

Until well after midnight, a total of 33 program points were on the program in a prunksitzung, above all with many dance high points. The three dance marionettes michelle wolf from gobweinstein, madlene eckert from pottenstein and most professional verena adelhardt from hannberg were magnificent. Over 70 dancers whirled the whole evening alternately over the parquet and the dance beginning made after the presentation of the princes pairs the 20 dancers strong group fun kids with the guard dance.

The show dances impressed not only with their dancing skills, but also with their ingenuity in creating a variety of colorful costumes. The smallest of the rasselbande were dressed this time as gummibarchen, the maxi-dancers as barbies or at the very end the manner of the castle gazelles first as ancient olympians and then as bavarian trachtenbuam and madla.

What the youth wants
The spectacle of the men's ballet was as always another highlight. The ladies of the ladies' ballet celebrated their bachelor party at the ballermann in mallorca and the palace guards surprised with their show dance under the motto "what the youth wants. In between there were commercials – for example "in the shopping mile pottenstein you are all alone".

A mood cannon also again the pegnitzer policeman and city councillor werner mildner with its singing number. He was teased by the session president with: "gell werner, the pegnitz police don't even know that the hotel management school is making a film." The bruller par excellence was certainly mayor stefan fruhbeiber (CWU), as city hall cleaning woman. The took first at the "butzi on the stage, two powerful men had to hoist the ballet onto the stage.

Christel and schorsch were next to the butzi and other pottensteiner originals the subjects of the short inserted butt by andreas schrufer. Schrufer had rhymed his butt well, but unfortunately delivered it somewhat haltingly ruber.

Young talent sandra rohrer, on the other hand, did very well, reporting on the end of the world and other catastrophes. For example, the guy who drives over 800 miles to mendocino and then can't even remember the name of his beloved female hitchhiker.

A great sketch
A great sketch was also "rumpelstiltskin, in which president uwe wiegartner himself slipped into the role of the muller's daughter, and of course the brothers jo, johann bauer and otto brendel – this time as an elderly couple desperate to apply for their pensions at the first fully automatic pension office – were again present. At the end the committee president lay "dead" on the ground and so only the widow's pension was left for his wife.

Great for her age of 90 also adelheid lothes from bronn in the butt and in the youth butt lena and jana wiegartner with "dad makes diet and we lose weight". "Talking mess" heib another sketch with nadine friedl, nadine redel, markus mahrhofer and kevin schmidt.

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