Briefly noted in the city council

New appointments after christian schedel left the city council and bernd kraub (both CSU) succeeded him, most of the committees had to be reappointed. Kraub is a member of the works committee and second deputy on the main, building and urban development committee. Robert gack (CSU) now sits on the audit committee, and frank rubner is now a deputy member of the main committee. Publication sebastian muller from the mayor's office introduced the new city hall journal. This will be from the 25. October quarterly, 11,000 copies are distributed to all households in the city and provide information about the decisions of the city council and the city administration. Internet frank rubner (CSU) recalled a motion by his parliamentary group well over a year ago to create a WLAN hotspot in the city center. "But nothing happened!", he argued. Mayor hugerich referred to a decision made by the city council in the second half of the 2000s to designate locations for mobile radio masts only in consultation with the mobile radio initiative. There is also an expert opinion. This answer infuriated rubner: "at that time, people were still of the opinion that cell phone radiation grills people's brains. WLAN radiation is much lower than mobile radio radiation was twelve years ago. For me, this statement is pulled out of the hair!" Crossing aid for cyclists will make it easier in the future to cross state road 2203 between the city and the district of mistelfeld in the area of robert-koch-strabe. City builder pulz announced the construction of an illuminated crossing aid for this year. Demolition of old building in kirch-/mauergasse has begun. From the 15. October the church alley will be closed to traffic for two weeks due to the mabnahme according to hochbaumeister ulrich sunkel. 

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